In 1943 the German Naval High Command decided to develop and produce two new submarines designs:the
Type XI and Type XXIII. Know as the "Electro Boats",they were the decendants of the Walter Pr. 476
Perhydrol boats.The type XI and the Type XXIII were the worlds first true submarines.They were designed
to spend most of thier time under water and achieved speeds greater underwater than on the surface.The
Type XXIII was the smaller coastal version of the larger oceangoing XI.Although design work was not
begun on the XXIII until after the XI, it saw service first.At WWII's end, 900 type XXIII's were ordered
and under construction and 59 had been launched into service, but at the end of the war only six were
left on patrol.The most famous of these boats,the u-2336,made the last known sinkings of the war.
I bought this model 2nd hand.It had been poorly constructed and looked as if it had not been taken
care of.The model was manufactered by a company called 32nd parallel. The model fortunatley had
all the original instructions, blueprints and parts with the exception of the motor.This model
could be built as a "dynamic Diver" or with a gas ballast system.I opted to use the gas ballast system.As
you can see from the picture below it needed alot of work.
I began the restoration by first carefully removing the conning tower.Next I remover all the railings
and ladder rungs. I had to cut limber holes out of the back of the conning tower and along the
bottom edge.These were omitted during the original build.I did this using a drill,A Dremel Tool, and
some small jewelers files.
restoring & detailing the conning tower
in this image you can see that the conning tower has been removed from the hull.the missing limber
holes have been cut and mould lines and gouges have been filled and sanded.then the piece was sprayed
with grey sandable primer.
in this image from above you can see that drainage holes have been drilled in the bottom of the
conning tower floor. this will facilitare draining through the limber holes when the sub surfaces.It
will be covered with wire mesh in a later step.
here can be seen a head on view of the conning tower.visible is the life raft stowage compartment.
here i'm drilling out the base of the schnorkel to accecpt the brass tubes.
here the brass tubes have been ca'ed in and are drying.
here the schnorkel is installed.note also rdf loop.