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The Subcommittee.This is a great site.Tons of information.
Has lots of pictures and links to vendors.Also has message
boards where you can ask a question or buy or sell a sub.
The Subcommittee is a not for profit organization that
publishes a quarterly magazine The Subcommittee Report.
This is a fine magazine,chok full of great articles and pictures.
Can't get this one on your news stand.You must join!
This organization also sponsors Subregattas across the
country.Lots of nice people here.Highly recommended!

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tim smalley's site.tons of info for the newcomer or the
old hand too!lots of pictures and links.a fine site, a must see.

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D&E Miniatures.This company sells fittings,props,WTC's
(water tight cylinders),1/96 skipjack kit, "introduction to r/csubmar
ining" video and also features
chat and message board.a must see site!

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subtech offers all the electronics to get your sub
up and running.also carries 1/60 scale albacore
sub kit.a must see site.highly recomended!

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friends of the hunley.please stop by and donate.lots of
fascinating and informative articles on the archeology
and preservation of the css hunley,the first submarine
to ever sink a your support in preserving
this national treasure for future generations.

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otw inc.sells fine submarine hulls of thenorwegian type 207, german type xxiii, german hecht, british "o" class, and
british midget.a must see site.

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modell uboat spezialitten.(model u-boat specialties.
sells glassfibre hull kits, seals,ballast systems, electronics
and more.german site but some pages in english.a must see site.

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model submarine site full of info.r/c subs,plans,real subs
and virtual tours of subs.a must see site.

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more links to come!